Zia Family Focus Center History

Our History

The Zia Family Focus Center (ZFFC) was started in 1991 as a joint effort by the Junior League of Albuquerque, our Community Board of Directors, and Albuquerque Public Schools. The multi-purpose building was completed in November of 1995. In addition to a first rate gymnasium, which doubles as a performance area for music, theater, assemblies and special presentations, the ZFFC also houses four auxiliary classrooms that are used for music, art and physical education during school hours. 

The after-school classes can vary each semester and have included art, ballet, karate, cooking, guitar, yoga, sewing, piano, basketball, salsa dancing, kid’s fitness, belly dancing, and much, much more. Each semester brings a new menu of quality classes to the ZFFC taught by an ever-expanding list of extremely talented teachers.

“Mini-gyms” are being built at several other APS schools, but none has the invaluable component of classroom space and extended after-school programs like the ZFFC at Zia Elementary School. The Zia students and staff, led by local artist Lark Lucas, created a magnificent “generations” family tree mural out of clay and tile which is displayed on the exterior of the large east wall of the ZFFC.